I wanted to continue working with the same dataset from the quantitative portion. The metadata that I pulled into a JSON file from Open Access opened my eyes to a number of variables I hadn't thought of, so I started sketching out some interesting ideas.
Sketch #1

- Title of the visualization (what am I looking at): Bubble Chart of Tag Words
- What are questions that you want to explore with this visualization? How have photos been tagged based on the decade they're dated in? What were the most frequently used tag words throughout the decades? Could these words tell a story about the photograph collection?
- Which qualitative dataset is used? Photographs from the NMAAHC.
- What are the properties of the data set? How many data points, what's the quality of the data etc? Pulling on title, topic(s), and place(s). There are 632 data points. Lots of qualitative data to analyze!
- Which visualization method is used and why? Bubble chart to see the frequency of tag words over a time period.
Sketch #2
- Title of the visualization (what am I looking at): Highlighted Keywords in Photograph Titles
- What are questions that you want to explore with this visualization? What were the most frequently used tag words throughout the decades? Are there themes we could see from within collection over time?
- Which qualitative dataset is used? Photographs from the NMAAHC.
- What are the properties of the data set? How many data points, what's the quality of the data etc? Pulling on title, topic(s), and place(s). There are 632 data points. Lots of qualitative data to analyze!
- Which visualization method is used and why? A chronological list of titles to see the frequency of highlighted words in the overall collection.
Sketch #3
- Title of the visualization (what am I looking at): Connections Between Photograph Topics and Places