📜 Course Description

This course provides an introduction to statistics with an emphasis on social policy research for students interested in careers in management and urban policy. Students will learn the prerequisite quantitative tools for other Milano courses and to read, write, and evaluate empirical reports related to careers involving quantitative analysis. Also, students will be introduced to statistical software which will facilitate their ability to manage, interpret, analyze, and present information. Ultimately, the course is designed to offer students an introduction to basic statistical literacy.

🏆 Grading

If your midterm exam score is greater than your final exam score, then the following will be the distribution of your course grade:

Final exam 40%
Midterm exam 30%
R assignments 15%
Problem sets 10%
Attendance and participation 5%
Total 100%

If your midterm exam score is not greater than your final exam score, then the following will be the distribution of your course grade:

Final exam 50%
Midterm exam 20%
R assignments 15%
Problem sets 10%
Attendance and participation 5%
Total 100%

📖 Required Reading

Statistics: A Tool for Social Research

📆 Course Outline
